Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Helooooo there!
Okay, this week did not go well at all. well, maybe not completely. I started off well, but one day messed me up for the whole week.

Thursday: I went to school for 7am, my teacher didn't I went back home to SLEEP! woke up, cleaned, then got a head start on my math assignments.

Friday-Slept in, worked on math again pretty much all day.

Saturday:....debated on at least starting my English essay....and I did it....but only for an hour.

Sunday: MAJOR PROCRASTINATION! I would have been done with my paper way earlier...but i made the mistake of bringing my phone into the office. Friends called, and decided it was fun to chat up while I worked T-T...not so much for me. And after they got off, I just daydreamed and wasted so much time.I knew I had an 11pm deadline, but grades are way too important to me for me to just not finish it. So I ended up working on it till 2am. That day ruined my week.

Monday: was tired, but I knew how important and lengthy the psych exam was, so I stayed up and studied. ...unfortunately while I was studying I was also watching the History channel and its little show about vampires XD. Surprisingly I finished at about 11 and decided I would study a bit more during my first class.

Tuesday: came home after the test, hung out with a friend, napped XP and instead of getting a crap load of work I could have finished early done, I just did nothing.... came home and started on my work...but because I messed up my sleep pattern, I am tired.And in between reading for the quiz, I took a 30 min nap XD.

I'm just disappointed in myself this week. I knew what I had to do, and I just ignored it...I ignored everything. I don't think anything really needs to be modified, because it worked really well, but I just got lazy and slipped up, which in turn affected my whole weeks behavior. Ha ha quick extinction. I just need to fix the pattern again, and I think it will be fine. I think Operant conditioning works well, but has a flaw when the individual is the one imposing the rules/plan of conditioning.


  1. Hi Phylicia,
    Overal it seems you are doing good, so please, do not be too hard on yourself. I think that when someone is trying to change a behavor, it is part of the process to have little relpases here and there. Do not feel bad about the outcome you obtained during week four because actually it shows you are improving, moreover, you will see that week six is going to be even better!

  2. Hmm.. Sunday definitely screwed over some of your progress, at least in this week. But I don't think it should affect your overall progress in any meaninful way, because you've managed to meet deadlines. Like studying for the psych test, bam, you got that in and your essay, bam also finished it. By the way, totally with you in the evaluation of operant conditioning. It is flawed, in many ways when it is used by a person on him/her self!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Phylicia, I think you should really come up with some sort of punishment that you can immediately administer to yourself when you do not finish a goal. Also, are you writing down your goals and tasks so you know exactly what you have to do? It also seems like you have quite a bit of distractions around you, and even though its not part of operant conditioning, I think the conditioning would be alot more effective if you either shut out the world in your room or go to a library. I agree with the flaw of operant conditioning when the individual has to be the one enforcing and punishing, but I think it can be helped if you try to involve someone else like a friend or family member. Good luck!

  5. you could probably follow this advice !! =)

    Step 1

    Think about why you procrastinate: Are you afraid of failing at the task? Are you a perfectionist and only willing to begin working after every little element is in place? Are you easily distracted?
    Step 2

    Break up a large, difficult project into several smaller pieces. Tackle each piece separately.
    Step 3

    Set deadlines for completion. Try assigning yourself small-scale deadlines ' for example, commit to reading a certain number of pages in the next hour.
    Step 4

    Work in small blocks of time instead of in long stretches. Try studying in one- to two-hour spurts, allowing yourself a small break after each stint.
    Step 5

    Start with the easiest aspect of a large, complex project. For example, if you're writing an academic paper and find that the introduction is turning out to be hard to write, start writing the paper's body instead.
    Step 6

    Enlist others to help. Make a bet with your family, friends or co-workers that you will finish a particular project by a specified time, or find other ways to make yourself accountable.
    Step 7

    Eliminate distractions or move to a place where you can concentrate. Turn off the television, the phone ringer, the radio and anything else that might keep you from your task.

    Good Luck !!!!! =)

  6. Hey Phily!
    This week wasn't that bad for you so don't feel bad! Trust me this week wasn't the best for me either but you managed to do ok this week so don't be hard on yourself. Sunday did mess you up and I understand you on those English papers but it's better to do it sooner than later and I believe week 6 will get better for you. I also agree with Winston on just shutting the wolrd when you know you have to do work and not procrastinate. I know it's hard but I also know you can do it!!

  7. This goes to show how important Sundays are to a student. Because in essence, they can throw off your groove for the whole week! Knowing ths, I take Sunday as a preparation day of sorts. Maybe you should try that for week 6?
