Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week one of behavior change

My name is Phylicia, I am psychology student and this blog is to modify my behavior. The behavior that I plan to modify is procrastination. I want to change this behavior because my staying up late is making me overly tired and very exhausted throughout the next day. I plan to change this behavior by having others reinforce me. For example, having my parents making sure I'm doing my homework early. Another thing I plan to do to change my behavior is to set earlier deadlines for myself so I won't keep doing everything at the last minute.


  1. Hey Phylicia! I think I used to sit near you in class, until I decided that I was too nearsighted to see the board clearly from there.

    Anyways, I chose the same behavior as you. I was kind of lost as to how to change my behavior, but your idea of setting earlier deadlines is good and I think it will definitely work.
    Just yesterday I had to attend an orientation for something that I thought was at 6. Procrastinating, I got there at 6:20 and realized that it was actually at 6:30. So I ended up being early.

    I hope it works for you,

  2. Hi Phylicia, What works for me is making lists. I make a list of everything I have to accomplish the next day and put it on the fridge where I can see it. The list has to be reasonable though. If you give yourself too much to accomplish in a day, it sets you up for failure and you won't stick to it. Hope the info. helps and good luck! Lisa

  3. Hey Phylicia. You can try to write down everything you need to do on paper and calculate approximate time to finish it. After that, set it in calendar, such as Monday: 1:00 ~ 2:00 math homework (due Wed). You can also ask a friend to do with you to reinforce, but you need to make sure that you are really doing your work. Good luck!

  4. Hi Phylicia,
    I too am trying to reduce procrastination. I have been trying to utilize a task list and/or schedule, but the problems I run into are that I forget about the list, or delay it anyway. Perhaps making the list a more obvious part of daily life would help?

    ps: i wrote this almost two weeks ago, but was having problems :(
