Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Everything is Just Peachy Keen :]

Hello All! once again,

I am actually doing pretty good with the changing of my behavior. I thought it would be really difficult, and yes I have slipped up once or twice, but overall it is quite well. I write everything i need to do down so I don't forget. I stick with my 11pm deadline and work with others when I am having problems with the work or if it is just to help me study better.

Saturday April 18: My only assignment for that day was to do my blog. I wanted to have an abundance of free time (positive reinforcement) to have some fun so I did it earlier in the evening when I came home. I succeeded in finishing it early on in the evening and was free to catch up on my favorite weekend hobby:watching a new movie :]

Sunday: I started and finished my English essay pretty early on in the day and was able to get enough sleep for school the next day. However, I did notice that because I am not used to being under pressure to finish quickly, like I am at 1 in the morning, I began to daydream or do random/unnecessary things throughout the task. But because recognized that I was wasting time, I used the threat of not getting enough sleep as a constant reminder to just get it done.

Monday: I knew my tasks and was determined to get them done during the day. However, around 4pm I made the mistake of laying on my bed and wanting to watch part of a movie I had seen over the weekend. I got sleepy ;p. However, instead of sleeping for 3hrs like I did with my old habits, I only slept for one, and got right on my homework and chores. The reinforcements and punishments seemed to just go out the window once my eyes started to get heavy, so I need to find something strong enough to combat the enjoyment and desire for sleep. XD like that is possible!!! How do you make sleep unappealing!!!??

Tuesday: I came home at about 1pm and was a bit tired from getting to school for 7am. I messed up again because I had to go back to Mt. SAC for a club, so I decided to take a nap. But, again I decided to stick with it and just get my tasks done when I came back home. I finished at 10 and was glad to see some type of progress in my behavior. Again the desire for a nap kicked in and the reinforcements and punishments didn't kick in. :[ I have to find a way to combat sleep!

Wednesday:...HEY THAT'S TODAY! I had a stressful day,but interestingly enough I didn't let it ruin my plans. I came home did chores, and now I am writing this blog. Being able to finish my work early and relax without worry it gives me time to talk to friends and get ahead on schoolwork just in case I have a slip up or something comes up later on in the week.

Like I said before I do see a change in my behavior, and I am actually enjoying it. I feel that I am beginning to like the flow of getting things done and not making myself exhausted later for a couple of hours of relaxation or sleep during the early evening. One difference i do see is that I am used to sleeping late; but even though I finish early I can't fall asleep until 11pm. I think I just have to allow myself time to adjust to sleeping earlier and it will get much better. I think I might have a solution to my problem of making sleep unappealing. I don't drink coffee, but I do love ice tea. The caffeine in the tea keeps me up when I have to pull an all nighter. So I think I will try drinking tea whenever I want to sleep when I come home to see if that keeps me from falling back into my bad habit. It keeps me awake and hyper, but I do have crashes after...but by that time I could be done with my tasks so it will just make everything fall into place for sleep time!!!:D


  1. OMG dude! I think I posted my blog entry on your blog......I'm not sure how that happened but it's right there! I read your entry, posted mine, then went to comment on your blog and found my own entry on your page.
    Gosh, I'm so sorry!
    I'll delete it and try reposting it on the correct blog...

    Anyways, I wanted to say GREAT JOB! You seem to have made progress and it is great that you are enjoying it. Iced tea is awesome :D
    I have the same problem with sleep as you do. I find that not eating before studying REALLY works. I've been skipping lunch every Tues/Thurs in order to stay awake in a class that I have, and it has worked every time. I'm on campus those days from 7am, so that's something =]

    In fact, I think we learned the thing about eating in our psyc text as well. So, try to avoid eating before classes or study time, and let me know if it works! Good luck =]

  2. I think you have to eat a healthy snack. Totally skipping a meal may have bad effects. Even though I love coffee, I guess iced tea is a better choice. Unfortunately, sleep is so desirable. =[ I really do hope you find a way to fight it and when you do, be persistent.

  3. You're right. I do skip lunch, but I try to eat something like nuts or a granola bar earlier. (That's why you might find me munching on something during psychology) =]

    It sure is. Thank you! I hope the same for you.

  4. thanks for the advice phylicia. i'm glad your plan is working well so far, sounds like you've been keeping all things in order. i like the idea of drinking tea at home to prevent yoursefl from falling asleep and being able to just keep working until you crash. Hope it all keeps going well for you.

  5. Good for you! I didn't even think about setting a deadline. That's a great idea because it motivates you to work harder, longer, and with more determination. It works for me too and actually, I am having problems with procrastination right now. So I think I will try this- thanks!
